Recognizing Our True Value: Overcoming Satan's Deception

Satan loves to devalue humans. He works tirelessly at it, but many people do not recognize his methods. A certain irony lies at the heart of many of his methods. For example, tempting us to think of ourselves more highly than we should works to devalue humans, even undercutting our own foundation of value.
hand holding a large heart-shaped, sparkling diamond
Our value is determined by God.

The Deception of Superficial Value

To illustrate, a young, beautiful woman might value herself based on her beauty because of the comments of other people or the general tone of society. She may even notice that people treat her better because they also value beauty. Naturally, this young woman may believe she has great value. She might even see others who are not as physically attractive to be less valuable, but she would probably never repeat those thoughts aloud. In fact, it is part of her "value" of beauty to at least put on the appearance of grace toward those she deems beneath her.

Then appears the first wrinkle or the extra 'baby weight' that does not come off. Panic ensues because she sees her value drop. The urge to find beauty products or weight-loss products begins to skyrocket—all because she perceives a drop in her value.

(This is not to pick on women, it is just a common example. Not all women face this problem.)

What of those young ladies who do not possess the attributes that society deems "beautiful"? If they see beauty as a value, they will suffer. Their sense of self will suffer, and they may even hurt themselves emotionally or physically. This is a reason we might see people "beat themselves up" with their words lies in this system of value.

The Danger of Misplaced Value

The solution is not to find ways to be more beautiful. The solution is to find better ways of valuing self. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be beautiful because there are certain advantages to it. But basing a person's value on it is immature and irresponsible.

Physical beauty is a terrible indicator of value. It does not last. It leads to envy, jealousy, pain, and all kinds of ailments. Finding value in the right things is one of the keys to overcoming Satan's efforts to destroy.

Our True Source of Value

Our value is inherited through the fact that we are made in the image of God. This "image" is not about the number of fingers and toes but about our essence. What good things make us distinctly human reflects the nature of the God who made us.

Understanding the Image of God

When we speak of being made in God's image, we're referring to several key aspects:
  1. Creativity: Like our Creator, we have the ability to imagine and bring new things into existence- just not in the same ways.
  2. Reason: We can think logically, solve problems, and make decisions.
  3. Morality: We have an innate sense of right and wrong, reflecting God's righteous nature.
  4. Relationships: We are designed for connection, both with God and with each other.
  5. Free will: We have the ability to make choices, including the choice to love and follow God.

These qualities are what truly define our value, not fleeting physical attributes or societal standards.

Combating Satan's Lies

To overcome Satan's attempts to devalue us, we must:
  1. Recognize the lies: Be aware of messages that tie our worth to temporary or superficial things.
  2. Ground ourselves in truth: Regularly remind ourselves of what God says about our value.
  3. Extend grace to others: Treat everyone with respect, recognizing their inherent worth as image-bearers of God.
  4. Cultivate lasting qualities: Focus on developing character traits that reflect God's nature.
  5. Seek community: Surround ourselves with people who affirm our true value and help us grow.

Living in Our True Value

When we understand and live in our true value as children of God, we become resistant to Satan's attempts to devalue us. We can appreciate beauty without being enslaved to it. We can strive for excellence without tying our worth to our achievements. We can love others deeply because we recognize their inherent value.

This understanding of our true value doesn't just benefit us individually. It transforms how we interact with the world around us. We become more compassionate, more just, and more reflective of God's love to a world desperately in need of it.

Let us stand firm in the knowledge of our worth in God's eyes, and in doing so, shine a light that exposes and dispels Satan's lies.

Jason Sparks

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