The Vital Importance of Healthy Christian Marriages

couple walking along road holding hands together
Christians ought to have the healthiest marriages on the planet. That "oughtness" comes from the teachings of the Bible. If we understand the Bible, we know how marriage should work. But statistics show that we are far from the experts we should be as people of the Book. Perhaps that is a bit too high of an expectation, but if we are going to teach about marriage, we ought to try living it too.

The Impact of Healthy Christian Marriages:
A Testament to God's Wisdom

A healthy marriage shows that God knows what He is talking about. The fruit comes from the tree. A healthy marriage shows the wisdom of God in creating it. It is still possible to teach people about God if we have unhealthy marriages, but it will hinder that effort somewhat, especially if we try to pass off our marriage as ideal when it's not.

Improving Quality of Life

A healthy marriage helps people live better lives. Statistics show that people who marry tend to live longer. That's especially true for men, but women tend to do well too. "Happiness" studies tend to show that married couples are happier people. And certainly, couples with a healthy marriage ruin the curve for everyone else. Couples in a loving marriage built on biblical principles will experience more joy in life than those who are in bad or unhealthy marriages. Would anyone doubt this?

Setting an Example

A healthy marriage shows other couples how to be happy. The perfect marriage does not exist. Healthy marriages, however, do exist. And they can be a model. We must look at principles here because every marriage is different, but don't let that discourage you from learning from others. Having a healthy and functional marriage is not easy. It takes effort and it does not just "happen". When you see a couple married for decades and still show love and affection for each other, still function well, and are healthy for each spouse, you have found something that stands like a light to all who care to see.

And there are plenty who want to see.

Building a Healthy Christian Marriage

So how can we cultivate these healthy marriages that reflect God's design? Here are some key principles:

  1. Communication: Open, honest, and loving communication is the foundation of any strong relationship. This means actively listening to your spouse and expressing your thoughts and feelings clearly.
  2. Forgiveness: As imperfect beings, we will inevitably hurt each other. Learning to forgive quickly and sincerely is crucial for maintaining a healthy marriage.
  3. Selflessness: Following Christ's example, we should put our spouse's needs before our own. This doesn't mean becoming a doormat, but rather serving each other in love.
  4. Shared faith: Praying together, studying the Bible, and attending church as a couple can strengthen your bond and keep God at the center of your relationship.
  5. Continuous learning: Just as we grow in our faith, we should also grow in our understanding of marriage. Attend workshops, read books, or seek counseling to continually improve your relationship.

The Ripple Effect of Healthy Marriages

When Christian couples prioritize their marriages and work to make them healthy and strong, the effects reach far beyond their own homes. Children raised in these environments learn what love looks like in action. Friends and family members witness the power of commitment and grace. Even strangers can be impacted by seeing a couple that still holds hands after decades together.

In a world where divorce rates are high and many view marriage as disposable, healthy Christian marriages stand out. They become beacons of hope, showing that lasting love is possible with God at the center.

Let's strive to make our marriages reflections of God's love for His church. In doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also become powerful testimonies to the transformative power of faith in action.

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Jason Sparks

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